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From emotions to feelings

As we have observed, marketing frequently exploits emotions, sometimes even excessively. And their preference is for the primary emotions that cannot be easily controlled.

Management, too, has relied on the power of primary emotions. Taylor associates with fear, while pleasure is associated with Tony Robbins. I refer to fear-based motivation as "cortisol motivation" and pleasure-based motivation as "dopamine motivation"1.

Both forms of motivation impact decision-making. Whether the fear of losing a job or the excitement of a new project, these motivations will influence choices in alignment with the manager's desired direction.

However, emotions are fleeting, and if they disrupt rational information processing, they vanish as quickly as they emerge.

This is often the sentiment experienced the day after an exhilarating performance. While adrenaline may have been surging and dopamine flowing, when you wake up, much work still needs to be done. And you will need to tap into an entirely different kind of motivation. In this case, I refer to it as "serotonin motivation."


Have you heard of the marshmallow test?

The marshmallow test involves placing a child in a room with a marshmallow in front of them and asking them to wait for a few moments without eating it. If the child resists the temptation, they will receive two more marshmallows as a reward.

Studies have shown that the area of the brain most strongly activated in those who are least resistant is the striatum2.

> According to research, the striatum, a deep brain structure, is key in processing impulsive decisions. It is the primary target of dopamine, a known modulator of impulsivity3.

A recent study4 attempts to demonstrate that serotonin has effects that counteract the addictive effect of constant dopamine levels in the striatum.

> More concretely, dopamine triggers synaptic plasticity by strengthening connections between synapses in the cortex and those in the dorsal striatum. This intense stimulation of the reward system leads to compulsion. On the other hand, serotonin has the opposite effect by inhibiting dopamine-induced reinforcement, thus keeping the reward system under control5.

Serotonin motivation can be compared to epicureanism, while dopamine motivation can be compared to hedonism. Serotonin motivation helps control the insatiable desire for reward and pleasure.

For managers, working for the long haul and going the distance are key objectives. Persistence motivation does not rely on grand gestures, invective, or games.

Instead, it involves activating collaboration and promoting sharing within the team. It is crucial to foster a team spirit capable of constant reorganization, adaptation, and mutual trust.

Serotonin motivation is not a technique in itself. It is a perspective that needs to be considered when managing teams. It emphasizes that motivation doesn't have to come exclusively from strong emotions. Motivating teams often involves taking the time to think about the future and to imagine and create while enjoying a drink together.

It is essential to know how to alternate between the three types of motivation depending on the context and the situation. Overemphasizing one type of motivation can lead to tiredness, irritation, or boredom within teams. Defining a strategy that balances emotions and feelings is crucial.

  • 1

    (notion:// This name is not to be taken in a scientific sense. For me, it's a symbolic name that popularizes a complex subject and makes it easier to understand.

  • 2

    (notion:// Walter Mischel - The Marshmallow Test: Mastering Self-Control (2014) Hachette Book Group - p31

  • 3

    (notion:// Eva Martinez. Le striatum, substrat dopaminergique de l’impulsivité décisionnelle. Neurosciences. Université de Lyon, 2019. Français. NNT : 2019LYSE1094

  • 4

    (notion:// Comment la sérotonine freine l’addiction à la cocaïne - Université de Genève

  • 5

    (notion:// Christian Lüscher, professeur au Département des neurosciences fondamentales de la Faculté de médecine de l’UNIGE