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Motivational continuity

As we have seen, the MMS model is divided into three organizational levels: the individual, the team and the group. For each of these levels, a series of factors are attached. These factors will help develop motivation to achieve the objectives of the motivational strategy. At the first level of mobilization, we have satisfaction, then involvement, and finally commitment.

What's important is to consider that the factors we're going to activate at each organizational level work together and feed off each other. There has to be a continuity of effort between the motivational levers of the individual and the motivational levers of the team, and the same applies to the motivational levers of the group.

Take, for example, the first stage of the model: autonomy-collaboration-cooperation. If you want to develop collaboration within your teams, you will naturally have to develop the autonomy of its members, as well as the principles of cooperation with other teams in the group. Individual autonomy will improve interpersonal trust, which in turn will have a positive impact on collaboration. And this quality of collaboration within the team will facilitate cooperative relations by ensuring the reliability of each team member in cross-functional processes.

This is what I call "motivational continuity". The fact that the development of a motivational factor activated at a certain organizational level will naturally trigger another factor at the contiguous organizational level.